Monday, March 30, 2009

Response about Muscogee Elementary

During the 1997 Splost, Muscogee Elementary had $2,057,092 spent at that school and during the 2003 SPLOST, Muscogee Elementary had $1,099,816 spent there, for a total of $3,156,908. Two new instructional units (classrooms) were added, a music room, and an art room. Muscogee Elementary also had kitchen renovation, other classroom renovations, paving, new air-conditioning units, and new roofing. Are there other projects that you thought were promised but not completed?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Let's Have a Conversation about Schools!

Well, here I am. I talk alot about engaging students with technology so I need to model some engagement. This is my first attempt to have my own blog and the purpose is to engage the community in a conversation about the school district. My only fear is that I won't have the time to comment often enough, so I am trying to schedule a time during the week to read comments and respond. Be patient with me since my days and evenings are really full right now with all sorts of obligations.

Since the Board of Education has approved the tentative list of projects to be considered for the SPLOST I want to answer your questions about those projects or hear your input about other proposed projects. By doing that we can focus these first conversations on that. My job is to provide information, so what do you want to know?